

Radio is passion with a concept. Just because you are utterly passionate about your goal does not mean that you are close to achieving it yet. Passion spurs us on. But passion requires an aim. A strategic concept provides the necessary orientation.

Yet without passion, the concept is mere paper. Concept and passion are like a compass and magnet. They need one another in order to guide the way.

Bert Helbig brings passion and concept together. As a strategist, he is specialised in the optimisation of reach and reputation – market share and image! As a radio expert he awakens and consolidates your team’s passion for exciting, emotionalising radio and ensures that your strategic activities are effectively implemented.

Motivating. Measurable. Sustainable.

In accordance with your brand’s character and market requirements, Bert Helbig uses market-research tools that yield precise results in order to determine exactly the right strategy for you. And he utilises all the necessary tools from his many years of professional experience as a presenter and manager. Constructive. Open. Respectful.

The appreciation of existing customers:

25 years of experience in radio as a presenter, editor and first- and second-level manager provide the perfect background for practically relevant and pragmatic consulting…